Mon Nov 22 06:00:01 EST 2021 ======================================== Slept from eleven-thirty to six. Colder. Partly cloudy until late afternoon then clearing. Chance of flurries until late afternoon. Highs in the mid 30s. West winds 10 to 15 mph. # Work * ✓ buy new phone number for main office, test in FreePBX, tell people * ✓ ask Julie about report access for ekugler (and current extensive access for Beacon people in test database) * ✓ review bullseye invoice Hour-long walk at lunch. Sunny and cool. Saw two red-tailed hawks. Busy day at work. # Home > Digging into this patch I discovered that one can disable SSL verification by setting `sendemail.smtpsslcertpath` to an empty value. This configuration worked for me: > > [sendemail] > smtpServer = > smtpUser = > smtpServerPort = 1025 > smtpEncryption = ssl > smtpsslcertpath = > smtpPass = Covid seven-day average in Oakland County: ``` >>> (476 + 397 + 519 + 781 + 853 + 799 + 768)/7 656.1428571428571 >>> 656.14/(1260000/100000.0) 52.074603174603176 ``` Yes, the hints should be displayed in a separate pane, rather than obscuring surrounding lines of code! Oh, Docs View plugin is magic. Worked on Theuth for a couple hours. Servings: grains 5/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 4/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0.5/0.5 Lunch: orange, cucumber, two hot dogs, coffee Dinner: macaroni and cheese with Brussels sprouts, ice cream