Mon Oct 18 06:00:01 EDT 2021 ======================================== Slept from ten to seven. Woke around three, and took a little while to fall back to sleep Sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph. Work ---------------------------------------- - ✓ talk to Julie in the morning - ✓ order spare EdgeRouter 4 - ✓ fill out Beacon app - configure router for KWM No. Beacon now says that they won't be sending job offers until late October, and the sale won't close until mid November. No surprise if this gets postponed further…. > On behalf of Lightstone and Beacon Property Management we would like to personally welcome you to our team! As the two top senior operational leaders for Beacon Property Management we are excited to have you join our Company. Let us start by introducing ourselves to you. Our roles within the organization are President of Beacon Property Management, Ariel Feldhamer, and Vice President of Operations for Beacon Property Management, Chad Paavola. We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition for your employment and look forward to meeting everyone. > Beacon Management is a Lightstone subsidiary, which manages the company's residential apartment business. We will be transitioning your employment from Hartman & Tyner (“H&T”) to Beacon Property Management over the next several weeks. We are excited to add the H&T residential assets to our Michigan portfolio! Below is some information about our Company. Beacon Property Management proudly owns, operates, and manages forty four (44) residential housing communities across the U.S. Our residential properties are located in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Virginia with a headquarters located in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Hour-long walk at lunch. Sunny and cool. Julie, Bob, and Scott all agreed to provide me professional references. Home ---------------------------------------- Washed laundry. Read more of Broken Homes. Found which box held the charger for my tootbrush! Called Mom, and chatted for a bit. Watched a few episodes of Turn Up Charlie on Netflix. Servings: grains 4/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 2/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Brunch: banana, two hot dogs, cucumber Lunch: coffee Afternoon snack: apple Dinner: soba noodles, tomatoes