Fri Jul 23 06:00:01 EDT 2021 ======================================== Slept from ten-thirty to six-thirty. Woke briefly around five. Mostly cloudy with chance of showers in the morning, then partly cloudy with chance of showers and slight chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the upper 70s. South winds up to 10 mph becoming 5 to 10 mph in the late morning and afternoon. Chance of precipitation 30 percent. Work ---------------------------------------- - FH security video Done. - investigate accelerated rent credits for Bob Done. Julie called me. We're working out the terms we would want in a sale. "Plug and play" sale, that continues as it is with different ownership? No, Julie still doesn't even know if the buyer might be investors or a property management company. - What are our service contracts? - What hardware would we want to own? Home ---------------------------------------- - pick up groceries 1–2 PM Done. Washed laundry. Some guy rigged his web cam to detect when he blinks, so his computer can turn off the lights and turn them back on when he opens his eyes. ( The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England: From the Earliest Period, Including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries, Pageants, Processions and Pompous Spectacles, Illustrated by Reproductions from Ancient Painting in which Are Represented Most of the Popular Diversions Minutes spent packing: 90 Servings: grains 2/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 1/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Brunch: orange, sandwich with egg and sausage and tomato, coffee Afternoon snack: carrots Dinner: potato chips, ice cream