Wed Apr 21 06:00:01 EDT 2021 ======================================== Slept from nine-thirty to seven. Woke briefly around one-thirty. Partly cloudy until late afternoon then becoming mostly cloudy. Highs in the lower 40s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph. A thin sheet of snow this morning. Work ---------------------------------------- Randy's on bereavement leave until Monday. - drop Chuck Done. - add delinquency report without minimum threshold Done. - research old KW work orders for Shay Done. - open ticket on PR NVR Done. - check scan contrast/brightness for Kari No. Chuck, the courier, retired. Half-hour walk at lunch. Mostly cloudy. Cool. Flowering trees blooming. Dots of lingering snow. Saw several robins. Crows unusually vocal outside my window this afternoon. Home ---------------------------------------- Chatted with Jay on Signal. Oh, I just realized: Lake Wobegon is iyashikei! Vacuumed, took out trash. > This would be a huge deal for the Chess world, for if it were true it would mean that Fischer was still competitively viable in chess and an ex-champion who had never lost the title was now once again active. Ha — like Godzilla returning. > In completely unrelated news, upcoming versions of Signal will be periodically fetching files to place in app storage. These files are never used for anything inside Signal and never interact with Signal software or data, but they look nice, and aesthetics are important in software. Files will only be returned for accounts that have been active installs for some time already, and only probabilistically in low percentages based on phone number sharding. We have a few different versions of files that we think are aesthetically pleasing, and will iterate through those slowly over time. There is no other significance to these files. Snort! Started watching Hikaru no Go on Crunchyroll. Talked to Jay briefly on Jitsi. Servings: grains 4/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 3/4, dairy 1/2, meat 1/3, nuts 0/0.5 Lunch: banana, cucumber, salami sandwich, coffee Dinner: Japanese curry -20