Wed Feb 10 06:00:01 EST 2021 ======================================== Slept from eleven to seven without waking. Cloudy. A 20 percent chance of snow in the afternoon. Highs around 20. Northwest winds up to 5 mph. Lowest wind chill readings 3 below to 7 above zero in the morning. Work ---------------------------------------- Spent much of the morning dealing with the main office Comcast connection being down. Home ---------------------------------------- > Texas lawyer Rod Ponton was left flummoxed when he discovered his face was appearing as a cat during a court session on Zoom. > > Aah. I'm prepared to go forward with it […] I am not a cat. > Police officers in Beverly Hills have been playing music while being filmed, seemingly in an effort to trigger Instagram’s copyright filters. The Legend of Beavis (Legend of Zelda cartoon with audio from Beavis and Butthead) Beavis in the mirror — ha! Yes, I've previously thought about he importance of what he calls "accelerators". > There is one more interesting feature concerning this map, which may not be noticeable first, but which has a strong bearing on its flow. This is the presence of long corridors linking distant corners of the dungeon, and once you look for them, you will find a bunch. We might call them accelerators (or fast lanes?), since clearing them allows fast travel through the dungeon. The clearest accelerators are found in the distant reaches of the level, including one which just “caps” the whole thing with a sequence connecting everything to everything. Once you get there, you can choose a way back just as freely as you could at the beginning, a dark “mirror image” of the dungeon’s multiple entrances! Others include the corridors bisecting the octagons, and the corridor to the right, going from the entrance areas all the way to the cavern. As the company finds the accelerators, they will prove very valuable in subsequent expeditions, getting them past the entrance areas and into the depths of it! Feeling sort of emotionally fragile this evening for no particular reason. Chatted with Jay and Ed on Signal for a while. Watched episodes of Kimi Ni Todoke, kind of a sweet romance anime. Servings: grains 7/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 4/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Brunch: banana, two hot dogs with cucumber, coffee Lunch: apple, nachos with avocado Dinner: cheese curls