Tue Feb 2 06:00:01 EST 2021 ======================================== Slept from ten-thirty to seven without waking. Partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 20s. North winds 10 to 15 mph. Work ---------------------------------------- - Call back VB Done. - Spam hunt No. - Figure out DNS for properties No. - Carmen FMO question No. - 2:30 PM weekly Entrata call Done. VB's router mysteriously wasn't passing DNS lookups. Spent _so_ much time on this. Figuring it out clued me into the root cause of some other problems, though, so it was worth it. Fifteen-minute walk at lunch. Mostly sunny. Home ---------------------------------------- https://covidtracking.com/analysis-updates/covid-tracking-project-end-march-7 A shame. Still far and away the most functional COVID dashboard. Servings: grains 6/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 3/4, dairy 5/2, meat 3/3, nuts 0.5/0.5 Brunch: banana, wrap with bean and egg and cucumber, coffee Lunch: two hot dogs, tomatoes Dinner: soup, bread