Tue Nov 17 06:00:01 EST 2020 ======================================== Slept poorly from ten-thirty to seven. Colder. Mostly cloudy. Scattered flurries. Highs in the mid 30s. Northwest winds 10 to 20 mph. Work ---------------------------------------- - Order RAM, etc. for Randy Done. - Finish adding Entrata account for auditors Done. - Change Sent To Attorney Notice for Becky Done. - Order two check scanners for the office (one for Julie's computer) and an extra computer for Kari's desk Done. - Wrap up lockbox, stop file tickets Done. - 2 PM LeaseLabs demo Done. - Plan for more extreme work from home demands Some. - Car ports for Heather No. A few snow flakes fell today. Fifteen-minute walk at lunch. Overcast and cold. Home ---------------------------------------- - Buy stock No. Read more of Gideon the Ninth. It's like a mash-up of Gormenghast, Buffy, Warhammer 40,000, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Or something. Anyhow the combination of tone and subject creates a fun frisson. https://kottke.org/20/11/the-covid-19-crystal-ball > Reported deaths from Covid-19 lag behind reported cases by 22 days. Some deaths are reported sooner and some later, but in general it’s a 22-day lag. Worked a little bit on some Go web stuff. Servings: grains 5/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 2/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Brunch: Cucumber, pear, coffee Lunch: apple, two hot dogs, carrots Dinner: cheese curls