Wed Sep 16 06:00:01 EDT 2020 ======================================== Slept from ten to seven. Woke briefly around four. Mostly sunny until late afternoon, then partly cloudy with a 20 percent chance of rain showers late in the afternoon. Highs around 80. Southwest winds 5 to 15 mph. Fifteen-minute walk in the morning. Sunny-ish and cool. Work ---------------------------------------- - Add PO route for Solar Done. - Turn off auto late fees in Yardi for FH, HV, HP, MW, SH Done. - Follow up on RentPayment issue Done. - Order NVR for VS Done. - IVR's for FH, HP, HV Done. Crows cawing outside my window. Cicadas singing a little. A reasonably productive day. Not feeling swamped yet, but next week might be worse. Home ---------------------------------------- - K&R Done. Vacuumed. Material Shell – A modern desktop interface for GNOME ( Looks better than the default Gnome UI. David Lynch: > Ideas are so beautiful and they're so abstract. And they do exist some place — I don't know if there's a name for it — and I think they exist like fish. And I believe if you sit quietly like you're fishing, you will catch ideas. The real beautiful big ones swim kind of deep down there, so you have to be very quiet and wait for them to come along. If you catch an idea — any idea — it wasn't there and then it's there. It might just be a small fragment of a feature film or a song or a lyric or whatever, but you've got to write that down right away. And as you're writing, sometimes it's amazing how much comes out from that one flash. So, you get an idea, and it is like a seed. And in your mind the idea is seen and felt, and it explodes. Like, it's got electricity and light connected to it, and it has all the images and the feeling. In an instant, you know the idea. In an instant. Then, the thing is translating that to some medium. It could be a film idea or a painting idea or a furniture idea — it doesn't matter — it wants to be something. It's a seed for something. So, the whole thing is translating that idea to a medium. In the case of film, it takes a long time, and you always need to go back and stay true to that idea. The temperature never got anywhere near eighty degrees today. Doubt it even hit seventy-five. Basically, flat earthers don't just have a misapprehension about a scientific fact, they work backwards from apocalyptic articles of faith to arrive at their premise. Facts are subservient to outcomes. And the same for QAnon. They're doomsday cults. Also, these conspiracy theories blame badness on one secretive group is a way of rejecting the idea that the system is unjust. Confronting conspiracists with facts and evidence does not work, because their beliefs are not about facts — their beliefs are driven by their agenda. The video is better argued and more fun than that summary, though. Chatted with Jay on Signal a bit. 433% Keyboard > If my math is right, a keyboard with every currently defined Unicode character would only be about 16 feet by 16 feet. Someone should make one. Servings: grains 3/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 3/4, dairy 2/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Brunch: cucumber, banana, coffee Lunch: orange, egg and avocado wrap Afternoon snack: cucumber, cookies Dinner: -30 126/77