Sat Aug 29 06:00:01 EDT 2020 ======================================== Slept from one to eight. Mostly cloudy then becoming partly cloudy late in the morning then becoming mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 70s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts to around 30 mph. To do ---------------------------------------- - Work on Gemini proxy Done. Watched Lord Lucan: My Husband, The Truth. Interesting. Story of an aristocratic gambler who murdered his nanny and tried to murder his wife, as told many years later by this wife. How did I forget about gq{motion} to format text in Vim? `gqap` to format around paragraph. Interesting discussion of cultural differences on tilde servers — how is extremely inward-focused with most serves not exposed outside an SSH session, while exposes more stuff to the Internet. Two-hour nap in the evening. Nice and cool today. Cicadas, crows, crickets. > The Monday New York Times Crosswords are the easiest, and the puzzles get harder as the week goes on. Solve as many of the Mondays as you can before pushing yourself to Tuesday puzzles. Contrary to popular belief, the Sunday puzzles are midweek difficulty, not the hardest. They’re just bigger. > Pick out the clues that are meant to be the easiest and tackle them first. > Fill-in-the-blank clues tend to be easier because they have definite answers. > If a clue is in a certain tense (such as past tense), then the answer has to be in that tense as well. For example, if you see the past tense clue “Adored” in a puzzle, the answer has to be past tense. So if the answer is a form of the word “love,” the answer would not be LOVE, LOVES or LOVING. It would be LOVED, because that’s the past tense form. Algorithm for choosing project code name: combination of Chinese zodiac year animal, a word starting with the first three letters of the weekday, the ISO week number. rat-satellite-35 Too long? Just rs35? First two letters, first consonant and vowel — rasa35? mo tu we tu fi sa su ``` $ grep '^sat' /usr/share/dict/american-english sat satanic […] $ date +%V 35 ``` Another pretty moon tonight. Servings: grains 7/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 2/2, meat 0/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: Cheetos Lunch: macaroni cheese, broccoli, cookie Afternoon snack: banana Dinner: Cheetos