Sat Jun 13 06:00:01 EDT 2020 ======================================== Slept from midnight to nine. Woke briefly around five. Sunny. Highs in the mid 60s. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph. What do I want today? To generate, from a text/Markdown file, an HTML view of all "pages" of a small "book" with each page as a `div`. A6, 105 × 148 mm, 4.1 × 5.8 in > John Steinbeck wrote in “Travels with Charley,” Charley was also a Poodle, that he had to be careful driving in the South. He got in trouble a few times because people thought Charlie was a black man. > The Hundred Family Surnames is a classic Chinese text composed of common Chinese surnames. The book was composed in the early Song dynasty.[1] It originally contained 411 surnames, and was later expanded to 504.[when?][1] Of these, 444 are single-character surnames, and 60 are double-character surnames. About 800 names have been derived from the original ones. Chatted with Jay and Ed on Signal a bit. Discussed Nero Wolfe as a pandemic detective, spending half the story waiting for Instacart deliveries. You could replace Archie with gig workers, doing Wolfe's legwork twenty-first-century style. Watching The Repair Shop on Netflix. Love how people melt for their childhood Teddy bears. A fairly lazy day, but I don't feel bad about it. Modest improvements in all deaths and testing. US tests / positive results (higher is better, ideally dozens): 16 18 25 18 21 22 19 23 22 23 23 20 20 25 20 (today) 3-day avg: 20 20 21 22 22 US new deaths: 1186 → 989 → 656 → 469 → 1172 → 1015 → 909 → 1100 → 746 → 453 → 640 → 941 → 933 → 751 → 695 (today) 3-day avg: 944 885 918 678 793 MI tests / positive results (higher is better, ideally dozens): 65 31 99 46 54 75 4 163 25 36 54 1 54 71 80 (today) 3-day avg: 65 58 64 30 68 MI new deaths: 57 → 28 → 25 → 37 → 17 → 25 → 260 → 36 → 4 → 17 → 31 → 12 → 30 → 5 → 23 (today) 3-day avg: 37 26 100 20 19 Oakland county new deaths: 3 → 1 → 4 → 2 → 4 → 1 → 1 → 2 → 1 → 3 → 1 → 1 → 1 → 1 → 1 (today) 3-day avg: 3 2 1 2 1 Beaumont 5/11: COVID-19 patients: 322; COVID-19 ICU patients: 185; all patients bed occupancy: 70% Beaumont 5/14: COVID-19 patients: 315; COVID-19 ICU patients: 185; all patients bed occupancy: 72% Beaumont 5/18: COVID-19 patients: 283; COVID-19 ICU patients: 84; all patients bed occupancy: 71% Beaumont 5/21: COVID-19 patients: 255; COVID-19 ICU patients: 75; all patients bed occupancy: 76% Beaumont 5/25: COVID-19 patients: 215; COVID-19 ICU patients: 63; all patients bed occupancy: 57% Beaumont 5/28: COVID-19 patients: 227; COVID-19 ICU patients: 70; all patients bed occupancy: 68% Beaumont 6/01: COVID-19 patients: 178; COVID-19 ICU patients: 70; all patients bed occupancy: 61% Beaumont 6/04: COVID-19 patients: 163; COVID-19 ICU patients: 67; all patients bed occupancy: 65% Beaumont 6/08: COVID-19 patients: 130; COVID-19 ICU patients: 54; all patients bed occupancy: 55% Beaumont 6/11: COVID-19 patients: 132; COVID-19 ICU patients: 64; all patients bed occupancy: 70% Servings: grains 6/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 1/4, dairy 1/2, meat 2/3, nuts 1/0.5 Brunch: chips Lunch: sandwich, carrots, coffee, three Scotches Dinner: chili spaghetti, orange