Tue Apr 21 06:00:01 EDT 2020 ======================================== Slept from ten-thirty to five-thirty. Breezy, colder. Partly sunny. Chance of flurries through the day. Highs around 40. Northwest winds 15 to 25 mph. Work ---------------------------------------- - Work with Sarah on thin client Done. - Review Bullseye invoice No. - Configure VB EdgeRouter Done. - 2 PM Entrata training discussion Done. - 3:30 PM conference call about casino lawsuit Done. Oh, it's snowing furiously. … And now it's sunny. Home ---------------------------------------- I wonder if the increased numbers today were made up for under-reporting over the weekend. The U.S. seems to have hit a hard (and low) ceiling on testing capacity two weeks ago. Michigan COVID-19 cases: 967 new; 32967 total Deaths: 232 new; 2700 total Michigan's rate of increase: 107% → 106% → 106% → 105% → 103% → 104% → 105% → %104 → 104% → 103% → 103% → 102% → 102% → 103% (today) MI recovered (4/17/2020): 3,237 Oakland country: 6306 cases; 506 deaths Oakland country ranked # (#21 yesterday) globally. Oakland county new cases: 271 → 240 → 264 → 291 → 113 → 158 → 291 → 212 → 202 → 123 → 120 → 88 → 69 → 128 (today) Oakland recovered: 1417 U.S. new tests: 151,627 Servings: grains 5/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 3/2, meat 2/3, nuts 1/0.5 Breakfast: left-over fettuccine Brunch: coffee, cucumber, hummus Lunch: banana Dinner: Cheetos, pepperoni, cheese -29