Sun Apr 19 06:00:02 EDT 2020 ======================================== Slept from eleven-thirty to eight-thirty without waking. Mostly cloudy until late afternoon then clearing. Scattered rain showers. Highs in the upper 50s. West winds 10 to 15 mph shifting to the northwest in the afternoon. Gusts up to 25 mph. Chance of showers 40 percent. To do ---------------------------------------- - D&D stuff Done! - Take out trash Done. - Drive car Done. Vacuumed, miscellaneous cleaning, took out trash. Talked to Mom briefly. Happy with my minimal house rules for the moment. Fifteen-minute walk in the afernoon. Not cold. Saw a morning dove and a turkey vulture. Wow, this is some next-level Rube Goldberg stuff. Chatted with Jay and Ed on Jitsi for a while. Michigan COVID-19 cases: 633 new; 31424 total Deaths: 83 new; 2391 total Michigan's rate of increase: 110% → 110% → 107% → 106% → 106% → 105% → 103% → 104% → 105% → %104 → 104% → 103% → 103% → 102% (today) MI recovered (4/17/2020): 3,237 Oakland country: 6109 cases; 471 deaths Oakland country ranked #21 (#21 yesterday) globally. Oakland county new cases: 345 → 356 → 271 → 240 → 264 → 291 → 113 → 158 → 291 → 212 → 202 → 123 → 120 → 88 (today) Oakland recovered: 1113 U.S. new tests: 141,041 Servings: grains 6/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 3/2, meat 1/3, nuts 0/0.5 Brunch: potatoes O'Brien, coffee Lunch: Doritos and sour cream Afternoon snack: banana Dinner: Doritos, sandwich 108/69