Fri Apr 17 06:00:01 EDT 2020 ======================================== Slept from ten-thirty to six-thirty. Snow in the morning, then snow, possibly mixed with rain in the afternoon. Accumulations around an inch. Highs in the upper 30s. South winds 5 to 10 mph shifting to the east in the afternoon. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent. Dawdled a bit this morning. Will have to shower at lunch. Heavy snow, at times. Work ---------------------------------------- - Finish Entrata DB connections setup Done. - 10 AM PO call with Julie and Bob Done. - 2:30 PM weekly Entrata call Done. - Call Heidi 415-742-0032 Done (she'll call me back). - Schedule call with Sarah for thin client setup No answer. Busy. Short lunch. No time for a walk after I grabbed a quick shower. Home ---------------------------------------- - Knock out very minimal D&D house rules A bit. Snowed much of the day, but no accumulation. Iris Dement is the NPR Fresh Air guest this morning! (Oh, recorded in 2015.) > The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services says the state has the capacity to process 9,500 COVID-19 tests a day. That’s between the state lab, commercial labs, and labs in hospital systems. > “We have had a great deal of testing materials come in, so we have additional kits and testing supplies, so we are able to ramp up our testing which is something we have wanted to do since this outbreak began.” > Because of this increased capacity, the state has expanded its guidelines on who can be tested. Sutfin says first responders, such as health care workers, with symptoms are the first priority for getting tested, but anyone with mild symptoms is eligible. > “We are incredibly encouraged by the fact that we continue to discharge more [COVID] patients than we admit,” Kalkanis said during the call. “We continue to extubate successfully more patients than need to go on ventilators. And our numbers are holding steady, to the point where all of the contingency planning that we had done over the last couple of weeks, in terms of opening up other sites for acute beds...are no longer required. And we are at about 50% capacity right now, in terms of our ICU. So all of those are very, very positive.” > The health system is also using about 68% of its ventilators, Chu said, and currently has enough N95 masks for the next couple of weeks - a big improvement from 10 days ago, when they had only a three or four day supply. Michigan COVID-19 cases: 760 new; 30023 total Deaths: 134 new; 2227 total Michigan's rate of increase: 112% → 110% → 110% → 110% → 107% → 106% → 106% → 105% → 103% → 104% → 105% → %104 → 104% → 103% (today) MI recovered (4/10/2020): 433 Oakland country: 5901 cases; 442 deaths Oakland country ranked #22 (#22 yesterday) globally. Oakland county new cases: 276 → 191 → 345 → 356 → 271 → 240 → 264 → 291 → 113 → 158 → 291 → 212 → 202 → 123 (today) Oakland recovered: 783 U.S. new tests: 158,309 Servings: grains 6/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 4/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: coffee, carrots, tortilla with egg and cheese Lunch: tomato and cheese sandwich Dinner: orange, frozen pizza -30