Tue Mar 24 06:00:01 EDT 2020 ======================================== Went to sleep at ten-thirty. Woke around five, and half-slept fitfully until seven. Mostly cloudy. Highs in the mid 40s. Southeast winds up to 10 mph. Work ---------------------------------------- Second day working from home. - Get charge codes like "rnt" with descriptions for Entrata Done. - FTP to Entrata Done. - Noon Entrata call about users and groups Done. - Review Newegg invoices online No. Jitsi: free, open source group video conferencing https://meet.jit.si/ Twenty-minute walk at lunch. Overcast and slightly cool. Saw robins and squirrels. Saw a crow or possibly another slightly larger bird flapping off in the haze. Several people out walking, and still a trickle of cars on the road. One guy jumping rope in the parking lot. Home ---------------------------------------- - Get outside for a walk Done. This apocalypse is so different than the last apocalypse. During the big blackout (2003 — so long ago!) all the neighbors got super friendly. Now, everybody's hiding like scared rabbits. Took out the recycling. Vacuumed. Michigan COVID-19 cases: 1,791 total, new Deaths: 24 total, 7 new Still nearly exponential growth. Watched anime. Video chatted with Jay and Ed on Jitsu. It works really well. We plan to try it for D&D. Servings: grains 7/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 3/4, dairy 5/2, meat 3/3, nuts 1/0.5 Brunch: left-over Thai, banana, coffee Lunch: cucumber, apple with peanut butter Dinner: left-over pizza 131/82