Sun Feb 16 06:00:01 EST 2020 ======================================== Slept from one-thirty to nine-thirty without waking. Partly sunny. Highs in the mid 30s. West winds 5 to 10 mph. - 1 PM lunch with Ed at Griffin Claw Done. - Fiddle with the finishing touches on Sooth Done. - Add `virsh blockresize` note No. - Play with megadungeon No. - Laundry No. Let's make a thing we can ping that always has packet loss! See `tc-netem(8)`. ``` #!/bin/sh set -euf # Create troubled interfaces to test network monitoring tools. # Run with `sudo`. ip netns add ns-trouble ip link add veth0-trouble type veth peer name veth1-trouble ip link set veth1-trouble netns ns-trouble ip addr add dev veth0-trouble ip link set veth0-trouble up ip link add veth2-trouble type veth peer name veth3-trouble ip link set veth3-trouble netns ns-trouble ip addr add dev veth2-trouble ip link set veth2-trouble up ip netns exec ns-trouble ip addr add dev veth1-trouble ip netns exec ns-trouble ip link set veth1-trouble up ip netns exec ns-trouble ip addr add dev veth3-trouble ip netns exec ns-trouble ip link set veth3-trouble up ip netns exec ns-trouble ip route add default via ip route add via ip route add via ip netns exec ns-trouble ip link add lossy0 type dummy ip netns exec ns-trouble ip link set dev lossy0 up ip netns exec ns-trouble ip addr add dev lossy0 tc qdisc add dev veth0-trouble root netem loss 30% 25% delay 3ms 30ms ip netns exec ns-trouble ip link add latency0 type dummy ip netns exec ns-trouble ip link set dev latency0 up ip netns exec ns-trouble ip addr add dev latency0 tc qdisc add dev veth2-trouble root netem delay 10ms 500ms # To clean up, run: # sudo ip netns del ns-trouble ``` Vacuumed. Lunch with Ed at Griffin Claw. Twenty-minute walk after lunch. Sunny and not cold. Ascended the stairs that curve up the hill at Eaton and Maple. The stairs lead to a path that follows the railroad tracks for a short distance, before emerging into a neighborhood side-street (Yorkshire Road). Don't recall every going the up stairs before, even as a kid. Picked up a few groceries on my way home. Servings: grains 6/6, fruit 3/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 3/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Brunch: egg, celery, tomato, orange, banana Lunch: sandwich, fries, three beers Afternoon snack: potato chips, pineapple Dinner: pierogi 127/76