Thu 08 Aug 2019 09:30:47 AM EDT Slept from ten-thirty to seven. Woke briefly around four. High of eighty-four and mostly sunny today. Work: - PO for recycling Done. - Review invoices Done. - Pick replacement(s) for Central's EOL printer Done. Our usual M426 has a < 6 second time to first print, which is reasonably good for devices of that class. - Check if Lori paid for that laptop Done. - Let's Encrypt for careers domain? No. Twenty-minute walk at lunch. Wind and dark clouds — looks like might rain. Saw a little white butterfly and a dragonfly. Hmm, my new coworker, Rachel, apparently spends every moment she's able playing poker at the casinos. Home: - D&D stuff Done. A D&D bestiary inspired by Bourgeois sculptures? Can we make the function keys on a MacBook act like F keys? ``` $ echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode ``` Watched a couple episodes of The Orville. Read a few pages of The Three Body Problem. Servings: grains 4/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 5/4, dairy 3/2, meat 6/3, nuts 0/0.5 Brunch: omelet, celery, banana, carrots, coffee Lunch: yogurt, cucumber, orange Afternoon snack: coffee Dinner: sub, fries 104/67