Sat 03 Aug 2019 11:16:37 AM EDT Slept from midnight to nine. High of eighty-seven and mostly sunny today. Goals: - Grocery Done. - Play with D&D stuff A bit. Twenty-minute walk in the morning. Mostly cloudy. Not too hot yet. Loud cicadas. Vacuumed, watered plants, took out trash. Still playing with Gnome 3. It's by far the most polished and consistent of the Linux desktop environments. Briefly tried KDE/Plasma again for a fresh comparison. No contest. Gnome is much more attractive, stable, and consistent than KDE. I _like_ the amenities that come with a polished desktop environment, but I _need_ a window manager that facilitates a productive workflow. A task is made up of one or more windows. A user works on multiple tasks during a work session, switching between them. Although a user switches between tasks, sometimes quickly, they only work on one task at a time. (So, the window switcher should have a mode where it hides windows from other task groups.) A user switches to some tasks rarely, but needs them "open" and available. These functions facilitate such a workflow: - group windows into an arbitrary number of tasks/workspaces/virtual desktops - easily create, name, rename, and destroy those tasks/groups/worksapces - flip through windows in a group (excluding windows in other groups) using a keyboard shortcut - flip through groups using a keyboard shortcut - switch to the previously focused window in this group using a keyboard shortcut - switch to the previously focused window (from any group) using a keyboard shortcut - go directly to a particular group using a keyboard shortcut (or text entry for the label/name) - (Retitling windows is a function I've rarely seen (in CWM?) but would be appreciated.) Virtual workspaces are good, and the user should be able to label them. Gnome doesn't do that. The window switcher should hide windows from other workspaces. Gnome doesn't do that. Iconifying windows would help to hide some windows. Gnome doesn't do that — bizarrely it has _no_ true way to minimize a window. Gnome 3 is a good desktop environment with a bad window manager. Watched John Carpenter's Village of the Damned. Wow, Christoper Reeves, Mark Hamill, and Kristie Alley. OK performances and photography, but the script lets it down. Unnatural dialog and one-dimensional characters. My recollection of the original is more favorable, but I haven't seen it in years. Jay's getting a divorce. My impression has been that his marriage hasn't been great for years, but he stills surprised and dismayed. Read a bunch of Krazy Kat comics. Fifteen-minute walk in the early evening. Signed up for Hulu, and started watch watching The Orville. Servings: grains 9/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 8/2, meat 3/3, nuts 0/0.5 Lunch: apple, carrots, coffee, pierogi Dinner: banana, tomato, pizza 119/77