Fri Mar 29 09:15:32 EDT 2019 Slept from eleven to six-thirty. High of forty-nine and partly sunny today. Work: - Remember to change backup media Done. - Review tickets Done. - Receive video gear Done. - Work on Mizzen (and return to rack) Done. - Finish configuring my workstation Some. Scott's off again today. ✓ Tweak CWM config for workspaces Set up cron jobs, esp. backup What the heck, CWM — `cycle` and `cycleingroup` both behave as `cycleingroup`?! That is less useful. Maybe it's just the Debian packaged version that's broken. Thirty-five-minute walk at lunch. Neither hot nor cold. Saw a bunch of robins and a couple nesting Canada geese. > Where Go did become popular was with all those glue coders who had previously jumped to python 2. It turns out python's slowness was kind of a pain after all. And as computers get more and more insanely complicated, python glue programs tend to get big, and then the dynamic typing starts to bring more trouble than value, and pre-compiling your binaries starts to pay off. And python 2 uses plenty of memory, so Go gives a RAM improvement, not a detriment like when you move from C++. Go isn't much harder to write than python, but it runs faster and with (usually, somewhat) less RAM. Yes, plus some expansion of the types of projects that are reasonable in the language. Home: - Play with RPi camera as light sensor Fifteen-minute walk after work. Heard a morning dove. Saw a relaxed small dog chilling under a tree, sniffing the breeze; everybody's just enjoying the weather. Heard a tear-jerking story on NPR about Venezuelan refugees walking to Columbia. Having trouble finding an appropriate charity to donate to. Maybe Programa De Ayuda Humanitaria Para Venezuela? Servings: grains 4/6, fruit 3/4, vegetables 5/4, dairy 1/2, meat 3/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: left-over pizza, banana, mandarin, spinach, cucumber, coffee Lunch: apple, carrots, tomato, yogurt Afternoon snack: cookie, coffee Dinner: Thai 127/77