Sat 16 Mar 2019 11:53:46 AM EDT Slept from eleven-thirty to nine-thirty. Woke once, briefly, around six. High of thirty-eight today, with a change of a little snow. Goals: - D&D (?) No, moved to next week. - Play with some D&D stuff (prep to run G1 for Ed and Jay?) Done. - Play with distributed dungeon No. - Start playing Undertale on Switch Done. - Laundry Done. Played some Undertale. Good classic-style game music. Funny, clever writing too. Tidied a little, wiped down kitchen and bathroom counters, sanitized the toilet, watered plants. Ten-minute walk in the afternoon. Servings: grains 4/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 2/2, meat 2/3, nuts 1/0.5 Breakfast: Lunch: banana, carrots, cucumber, coffee, pita with cheese and tomato Afternoon snack: a beer, grapefruit, corn chips and hummus Dinner: huevos rancheros 119/70