Thu 28 Feb 2019 09:18:07 AM EST Slept from ten-thirty to six-thirty without waking. High of thirty today, and partly cloudy. Work: - Work on Lindsay's monitor scaling issue Done. - Call Heidi about thin client budget Done. Twenty-five-minute walk at lunch. Home: - Renew car registration Done. - Local micro b/log thing? Done. ``` --- bava ~ % mkdir -p ~/Documents/lg --- bava ~ % touch ~/bin/lg --- bava ~ % chmod 700 ~/bin/lg --- bava ~ % nvim ~/bin/lg --- bava ~ % cat ~/bin/lg #!/bin/bash set -euf lf="$HOME"/Documents/lg/lg.log if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then tail "$lf" exit fi if [[ ! -f "$lf" ]]; then echo "Warning: log file $lf didn't exist. We'll try to create a new one." else s=$(stat --format=%s "$lf") if [[ "$s" -gt 900000 ]]; then echo "Warning: $lf is $s bytes. Time to rotate it?" fi fi while getopts v opts do case "$opts" in (v) echo $(date) " ${@:2}" | vipe >> "$lf" exit esac done echo $(date) " $@" >> "$lf" ``` That's dumbly simple, but probably enough for my purposes. Servings: grains 3/6, fruit 4/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 1/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: banana, carrots, spinach, orange, migas (two eggs, etc.), coffee Lunch: celery, carrots, banana, yogurt Afternoon snack: bagel, grapefruit, coffee Dinner: bagel 131/74