Wed 20 Feb 2019 09:47:04 AM EST Slept from ten-thirty to six. Woke briefly around four-thirty. High of thirty-six today. Less than an inch of snow, and maybe freezing rain. Forgot my phone. Saw a crow strutting by the edge of Evergreen. Work: - Monitor stale accounts Done. - Amenities Done. Twenty-minute walk at lunch. Not too bad — no snow or ice but a slight cold mist. Home: - Go to bed not late Walked up to Mr. Kabob after work for dinner. Huh, bcrypt includes a salt, so the output of two runs on the same input produce different (and superficially non-matching) output. Dollar signs delimit the fields in a bcrypt hash: algorithm version, cost factor, and salt+cyphertext. Watched an episode of Curse of Oak Island. Servings: grains 3/6, fruit 4/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 2/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: tomato, carrots, banana, orange, migas, coffee Lunch: carrots, tomato, banana, yogurt Afternoon snack: pineapple, bagel with cream cheese, coffee Dinner: gyro 125/76