Fri 01 Feb 2019 10:18:28 AM EST Slept from ten-thirty to six-thirty. Woke briefly around two. This "arctic vortex" cold snap will finally break today. High of fifteen (and thirty-five tomorrow!). Work: - Think about remote logging and log monitoring Done. - Email Alltronics about Ubiquiti No. - Check out HAProxy routing based on client TLS cert fields No. Kirsten's last day. She brought cake and coffee. I got her a Starbuck's gift certificate. An analogy. Two people — Alice and Bob — work at an aquarium. Imagine (something slightly less grand than) Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. Alice is nominally Bob's boss, but I'm not sure it matters. Alice likes aquariums. She spends a lot of time and thought making the aquarium equipment run well. Alice like to try new aquarium equipment, but in an isolated environment that won't affect other aquariums with live fish. Alice's primary concern is creating a safe and stable environment for the fish, and her secondary concern is playing around with cool aquarium gear. Alice is an enthusiast. Bob is not an enthusiast. Bob cares about whether the aquarium patrons enjoy themselves, but he doesn't care very much about fish or aquarium equipment. Bob feels like it's not that big a deal if a few fish die from time to time — better to spend time on the entertainment experience than aquarium equipment. Alice wants to ask Bob: - Can patrons really enjoy themselves if they see dead fish? Isn't keeping the fish alive a necessary foundation for any other patron enjoyment? - If Bob doesn't have any enthusiasm for aquariums, why does he work here? Does Bob just not care if his work is interesting or uninteresting? Does nothing interest him? Yet, Alice recognizes that Bob is not altogether wrong to prioritize patron enjoyment, something that's at best a tertiary concern for Alice. Scott frustrates me sometimes. Fifteen-minute pace around the office during lunch. Elastic stack is pretty neat. Home: - 5 PM goodbye dinner at MEX for Kristen Mozol Done. Very nice dinner with tons of people from work. Mike, Kristen's husband and my old sysadmin, showed up. So did Karina. Nice to see them both. Karina and I spoke quite a bit. She's well, just busy with her kids. Ten-minute walk after dinner. Ten degrees feels positively tropical after the last few days. Servings: grains 5/6, fruit 3/4, vegetables 3/4, dairy 1/2, meat 4/3, nuts 1/0.5 Breakfast: banana, apple, carrots, celery, two eggs Lunch: banana, apple, carrots, chocolate cake, coffee Dinner: tacos, beans and rice, one beer 135/82