Mon 28 Jan 2019 09:18:44 AM EST Slept from eleven to seven. Woke briefly around five. High of eleven today. Up to five inches of snow today. Work: - Investigate Carmen's Google security alerts Done. - OpenVPN Done. Twenty-minute walk at lunch. Snowy. Our commute will be fun. Employers should be liable for weather-related traffic injuries during commutes if they fail to close offices during severe weather. Played with Ubiquiti video cameras. Home: - Wish mom a happy birthday Done. - Go to bed by ten > Rustic shelters called bothies — more than 100 of which are scattered throughout England, Wales and Scotland — are an indispensable, if little-known, element of British hill culture. > A vast majority of bothies are repurposed structures — crofters’ homes, shepherds’ huts, mining outbuildings — that have been salvaged from various states of disrepair by the Mountain Bothies Association, a charitable organization founded in 1965 whose aim is “to maintain simple shelters in remote country for the use and benefit of all who love wild and lonely places.” Some, like Warnscale Head in England’s Lake District, date to the 1700s. Collectively, since they came into recreational use in the 1930s as weekend getaways (sometimes used clandestinely) for working-class laborers, bothies have given rise to a unique culture that values communal respect for fellow visitors, for the bothies themselves and for the land on which they’re situated. a simple blogging platform written in Go that support ActivityPub Self hosting? Does not yet support comments. ActivityPub comments would be a killer feature. > Neal Cassady's rediscovered "Joan Anderson letter" > Jack Kerouac called Neal Cassady’s “Joan Anderson Letter” “the greatest piece of writing I ever saw.” Written in 1950, it became the inspiration for “On The Road.” One highlight of the letter was a colorful account of a wild afternoon in a Denver flophouse in December 1945. Cassady was staying there with his girlfriend, Joan Anderson, and her friend Mary Lou, who had picked up a sailor as a lover. Feeling pressured by the relationship with Joan, Cassady impulsively decided to break things off. But when he broke the news to her, she didn’t take it well, to say the least. > > I called my love aside and out of the blue told her I’d been thinking it over and maybe it would be better if she went to Fort Collins alone when the rent came due tomorrow. Straight off her complection (sic) changed, pale lips quivered, then grimaced as tears sprung. From out incredulous eyes came stricken disbelief. > > I decided to take a bath. I had barely gotten in the hot tub when Mary Lou stormed along the short hallway and pounded on the bathroom door, yelling to be let in at once. I opened to her and without preamble she tore into me at a furious rate. “Joan just told me you were leaving her and she’s sittin’ in there crying fit to die. You son-of-a-bitch. I knew you had a dirty look in your eye when you called her out in the hall. You goddamn bastard, get up out of that tub and go in there and tell her you didn’t mean it, you lousy cock-sucking prick, or else I’ll beat the shit out of you, and if I can’t do it I’ll get my boyfriend in there to help me and we’ll pound your face in together, you motherfuckin’ cheapskate.” > > She went on and on, getting hotter every minute and coming up with a really fine collection of words, a string of names for me poured from her angry red mouth that still tingle the brain. … She pounced on me. Standing in the slippery tub, I had difficulty holding her off right away. As she scratched my nude body while struggling to get her hands free from my grip, I kept worrying that she would take it in her head to give me the knee. … Finally she tired and I said I’d let her go if she promised to sit down and talk sensibly. … > > Well, you can wager your ass I talked fast. I cloud (that’s a quaint misspelling) could could could see my ittzy-bittzy lovespat might begin to assume monsterous (sic) proportions, not only would M.L. and her sailorboy be happy to give me a workingover, but it could even happen that I’d be kicked out in the cold Denver night. Foolish boy that I was, these were the simple fears in my mind as I dressed and returned to the room with Mary Lou to put out the fire. Little did I guess that the night was to gallop from this small flareup onward until at the darkest hour we would all be engulfed in hellfire and when dim dawn first declared itself, singed (I say, bud, that’s singe with a d, you understand) to doom, I was to be scourged by nightmares of my clinker soul. A PICO-8-like fantasy console scriptable in JavaScript. > The tale begins with news that young women are going missing from the streets of what was then the capital city, Kyoto. As the abductions accelerate, frustration mounts at the lack of evidence that might unmask the mysterious perpetrator. Desperate for answers, authorities turn to a shadowy mystic who conjures the identity of the villain responsible for the string of kidnappings: a fearsome demon (or ‘oni’) known as ‘Shuten-Dôji’ whose castle lair is hidden in a dark and forbidding mountain. The task of slaying the demon and freeing his countless captives is made all the more perilous, if not impossible, by the ogre’s ability to fly and assume the shape of any object or animal. The kingdom’s only hope is to enlist the agile mind and limber muscles of a fabled warrior, Minamoto no Yorimitsu, and his crack squad of skilled swordsmen known as the Four Guardian Kings. But can they succeed? That movie Vice is out, with Christian Bale as Dick Cheney, Steve Carell as Donald Rumsfeld, and Sam Rockwell as George W. Bush. - Every first Thursday of the month is Secret Cinema: Old Hollywood (pre-1967) - Every third Thursday of the month is Secret Cinema: New Hollywood (post-1967) Servings: grains 1/6, fruit 3/4, vegetables 5/4, dairy 0/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0.5/0.5 Breakfast: two eggs, avocado, celery, carrots, banana, orange, coffee Lunch: carrots, toast with peanut butter, tomato, coffee Dinner: banana, chicken 148/89