Wed Dec 12 10:08:01 EST 2018 Slept from ten-thirty to six-thirty without waking. High of thirty-five today. 40% chance of rain/snow. Work: - Go through each wiki page in final password purge Done. - Work on Ansible playbook for Nostromo No. - Install pfSense updates Done. Twenty-five-minute walk at lunch. Saw robins and blue jays. The sun came out to cheer me. Scott's ancient workstation had died when he came back from vacation on Monday. We built him a new one today. A crescent moon tonight. Home: - Have we re-titled car and removed Toyota from insurance yet? No. Watched more of the new Netflix She-Ra. Servings: grains 6/6, fruit 3/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 6/2, meat 5/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: cucumber, tomato, carrots, two eggs, banana, coffee Lunch: tomato, pear, orange, coffee Dinner: pizza again :( 149/84