Sat Oct 13 08:04:12 EDT 2018 Slept from eleven-thirty to seven-thirty without waking. High of fifty-two and decreasing clouds today. It's dark and rainy this morning. Goals: - Revise TLDR house rules No. - Go back to static initiative? At first, Missiles then polearms then melee then magic. Then, after melee is joined, light melee weapons then heavy melee weapons then everything else. Too complicated? - Work on devilghost blog? Done. Played with Hugo. - Add submodules to Git notes No. > the home of online investigations ``` xsel -b < file ``` …sucks the file into the clipboard/cut buffer. Watched Malevolent on Netflix. Not bad — a fun little haunted investigation flick. Hugo seems useful and well-designed. However, because it's a much more generalized solution than needed for simple bogging, it brings more complexity than I'd like. Still, with someone else maintaining it, it probably brings enough utility to justify my learning it. Or maybe it's not worth it. After almost a whole day, I still haven't matched the functionality of my little purpose-built static blog generator. It only took me a few minutes to add the features I wanted to `gsssg`. Oh, well. Yet another lesson that the particular solution often beats the general. Twenty-minute walk in the evening. It's dark well before eight o'clock, and the air's down-right chilly. Crescent moon, along with Mars. Saw neither man nor beast. Still nothing in the mail from Toyota. Servings: grains 5/6, fruit 3/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 1/2, meat 2/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: coffee with half-and-half, two corn tortillas with two fried eggs, onion, tomato, jalapeno Lunch: pear, beer, corn tortillas with avocado and onions, banana Dinner: carrots, banana, tortillas with veggies 146/95