Sun Sep 2 10:29:44 EDT 2018 Slept from two to nine-thirty without waking. High of eighty-nine and partly sunny today. 20% chance of thunderstorms. Goals: - D&D stuff? Done. Started working on my new D&D zine, _Mormo_. Hmm, are 3d printing materials non-toxic/child-safe? Yes, apparently many of the common material are non-toxic, even "food safe". Yvonne called to invite me to dinner on Tuesday. Bullshitted on G+. Watched The Conjuring. Some funny moment. Could be 20% shorter, without losing anything. Mis-dialed Amanda, and ended up talking to her for a while. Watched The Conjuring. Good, although the pacing is uneven. Lunch: ice cream, pretzels, beer Dinner: pizza