Mon Aug 27 09:22:17 EDT 2018 Slept from midnight to seven without waking. High of ninety-one and partly sunny today. Work: - Install Go 1.11 Done. - Set up "backstop" PO approver Some. Twenty-minute walk at lunch. Hot. Cicadas. Sometimes: a breeze. Home: - Revise [Go notes]( Done. - Renew Let's Encrypt certs Done. - Print new house rules Done. - Go to bed a little early From The Ballad of Black Tom, this is some David Lynch shit: > Suydam walked to the far end of the room, toward the high windows running along one wall. A single great chair stood by the sill. Suydam sat in it. His feet dangled, not touching the floor. A strange sight because he wasn't a short man. The chair didn't appear oversized, either. The old man's shoes swayed, three inches from the floorboards, and Tommy watched them, confused by the incongruity. Then, as if Suydam had noticed Tommy's interest, the feet lowered to the ground. But Suydam hadn't oved the rest of his body. > At the end of the day, they are a combination of a reference document and inspiring material – a module communicates an idea about running a game, something which can’t be faithfully replicated, but which can be recaptured and created anew through our collective imagination. It is both “the” Keep on the Borderlands and your own Keep on the Borderlands. Adventures are personal and products of the moment, while modules are fixed in terms of both intent and time. Good modules recognise and accommodate this contradiction as an integral feature of role-playing games, something which separates them from literature and drama (I will not consider here the failed forms of adventure design which try to imitate either). They create the potential for action and adventure – we could say the module is the question, and the game around the dinner table is the answer. Watched episodes the Polish amateur detective drama Ultraviolet. Finished reading Black Tom. Lunch: coffee, salad Dinner: pizza