Mon Apr 2 06:17:42 EDT 2018 Slept from ten-thirty to five. Woke briefly around two. Taking a PTO day — my first of the year, I think. Goals: - Work on notes about firewalld or more about cloud-init Done. - Take a nap Done. - Play some Night in the Woods Done. Started writing up notes on my lab environment: Ha. > If cowsay is installed, Ansible takes it upon itself to make your day happier when running playbooks. If you decide that you would like to work in a professional cow-free environment, you can either uninstall cowsay, or set the ANSIBLE_NOCOWS environment variable: `export ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1` Napped from one to three. Much refreshed. Changed sheets and towels. Explored replacing TT RSS with a desktop feed reader, since it's my last remaining PHP app, but all the Linux desktop readers kind of suck. I've been doing things with CentOS/RHEL lately. Not that I love Debian any less, I just want to learn and feel more comfortable in Red Hat land. For some reason — maybe just the conjuring of that time of life — Night in the Woods reminds me of the wacky characters I knew at Western — Vince, Laura, Emily, Chris, Gayle, Bill, Shaz, etc. And a little Kindos — Monday, Darla, Charles, etc. Breakfast: left-over ham, coleslaw Lunch: coffee Dinner: Chinese