Thu Mar 22 09:03:36 EDT 2018 Slept from eleven to seven without waking. High of thirty-nine and mostly sunny today. Had time to stop at Starbucks on my to work. Saw a very large bird while driving. Possibly a heron, although it flew less clumsily/laboriously than I'd expect — more like a raptor. An eagle? Work: - Review invoices Done. - Finish custom DNS blacklist No. Hm, Duck Duck Go has a nice JSON linter: Twenty-minute walk. Sunny. Cooler than expected. Home: - Work on Sooth Done. - Play some Night in the Woods Done. Seems like great game — charming, stylish, and funny. Fifteen-minute walk after work. > However, as latency distributions are usually fat-tailed (empirical evidence, you can spot the fact on histograms below yourself) metrics like standard deviation are of little practical value. It may be wiser to use a robust deviation metric like median absolute deviation [...] The interpretation of median absolute deviation would then be "the most typical deviation from the most typical latency", the "most typical latency" being median value. So, the median of a set of deviation values? Sooth TODO: - DONE Add deviation to Sooth report - (mostly) DONE Add web API (config, one target, all targets) - Add time-constrained reports - Clean exit (catch ctrl-c, close channels, etc.) Ha. Honest Trailers - Every Wes Anderson Movie: Breakfast: cafe latte, sausage and ham sandwich Lunch: Chinese Dinner: left-over pizza