Sat Mar 10 08:56:46 EST 2018 Slept from twelve-thirty to eight thirty. Woke briefly once in the night. Goals: - Laundry Done. Cleaned the kitchen, watered plant, vacuumed. > ...known as 'The Great Impostor', masqueraded as many people – from monks to surgeons to prison wardens. [...] After ordering personnel to transport these variously injured patients into the ship's operating room and prep them for surgery, Demara disappeared to his room with a textbook on general surgery and proceeded to speed-read the various surgeries he was now forced to perform, including major chest surgery. None of the casualties died as a result of Demara's surgeries. [...] During Demara's impersonation as Brother John Payne of the Christian Brothers of Instruction (also known as Brothers of Christian Instruction), Demara decided to make the religious teaching order more prominent by founding a college in Alfred, Maine. Demara proceeded on his own, and actually got the college chartered by the state. He then promptly left the religious order in 1951, when the Christian Brothers of Instruction offended him by not naming him as rector or chancellor of the new college and chose what Demara considered to be a terrible name for the college. The college Demara founded, LaMennais College in Alfred, Maine, began in 1951 (when Demara left); in 1959 it moved to Canton, Ohio, and in 1960, became Walsh College. > '(Demara) had come to two beliefs. One was that in any organization there is always a lot of loose, unused power lying about which can be picked up without alienating anyone. The second rule is, if you want power and want to expand, never encroach on anyone else's domain; open up new ones...' I documented my ad-hoc desktop color palette: I'm sort of bored. Or in some territory between between bored and midlife crisis. Hmph. Chatted online with Jay for a bit. Lunch: coffee, frozen pizza, chips Dinner: pizza, beer