Thu Sep 14 07:28:34 EDT 2017 Slept from eleven to six-thirty without waking. High of seventy-seven and partly sunny today. It's foggy this morning. Work: - Install VSCode Done. - Routing and redundancy planning Done. - Finish list of biggest HZ hazards and budget recommendations Started but not finished. - net security... NO, a less likely threat, except for the PCI DSS stuff - single AD... bad, but is it a serious problem? How long is HZ's tolerance for rebuilding from scratch? - backups (minimally in place, but how realistic is restore?)... YES, must buy additional drives from long-term backup, and MAYBE updated software - zero budget - PCI-DSS?? Revised list: - The lack of any IT budgets leaves all system frozen in time (at best). They should have at least an annual "maintenance upgrade" budget. This could be used, for example, to upgrade one or two workstations per year, and prevent their entire fleet from slipping beyone end-of-life support (as it has now). - Poor security culture. Sharing of passwords and loose permissions are rampant. - BackupAssist and deprecation of TrueCrypt - Add a couple (three?) long-term backup pulls to the backup rotation! We have almost lost data because of our limited rotation time window and slow user reporting. - Uncontrolled IT spending; I should approve all IT purchases. - Most computers not joined to the domain and not backed up VSCode settings: // Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings { "editor.fontFamily": "'Go Mono',' Liberation Mono', 'Droid Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace, 'Droid Sans Fallback'", "editor.fontSize": 13, "editor.cursorStyle": "line", "editor.minimap.enabled": true, "editor.renderWhitespace": "boundary", "editor.insertSpaces": false, "editor.lineNumbers":"relative", "files.associations": { "*.tmpl": "html", "*.txt": "markdown" }, "vim.disableAnnoyingNeovimMessage": true } Twenty-five-minute walk at lunch. Crickets, cicadas, Canada geese. Home: - Study Go concurrency Done. Tidied up the apartment a bit. Watched a couple of Silicon Valley episodes. Lunch: coffee, carrots, nuts, peanut butter and jelly Dinner: steak sub, fries