Mon May 29 08:21:24 EDT 2017 Slept from eleven-thirty to six-thirty without waking. High of seventy-nine today. 40% chance of thunderstorms. Goals: - Work of Faux Bat Done. - Clean out closet The cottonwood seeds are blowing around like snow. Thirty-minute walk in the afternoon. Ponderous clouds, but no rain yet. > For a budding nerd, the place I most wanted to hang out on USENET was a newsgroup called alt.sysadmin.recovery—or, more commonly, by its anagram, the Scary Devil Monastery. This newsgroup became famous (though some might say infamous) as a place where incredibly angry, incredibly caustic system administrators vented their collective spleen about the drudgery of dealing with (l)users. But hanging out and reading the Scary Devil Monastery was one thing; actually posting there terrified me. I was young and though I had some basic IT knowledge, I didn't think I would ever fit in with the ancient evil spirits that inhabited the place. Breakfast: carrots, coffee Lunch: left-over pizza Dinner: hot dogs, strawberries