Fri Apr 14 07:03:44 EDT 2017 Slept from nine to six. Woke briefly around two. High of sixty and partly sunny today. Half day at work for Good Friday. Work: - Key-based ssh for EdgeRouters Done. Added to .vimrc: function ToggleMouseMode() if (&mouse == 'a') set mouse= else set mouse=a endif endfunction nmap m :call ToggleMouseMode() Home: - Golang play Done. - Play with D&D saltbox a little (reskin elves and dwarves?) No. Twenty minute walk after work. Nice out. Really satisfying nap after lunch. Watched a couple of episodes of Shetland. Good. Ran up to the market to pick up a few groceries. Fifteen minute walk around sunset. Breakfast: carrots, coffee, spinach, cheese Lunch: artichoke sandwich Dinner: chips, ice cream