Sat Apr 8 09:30:06 EDT 2017 Slept from twelve-thirty to six-thirty. Might take a nap later. Sixty and sunny today. Watched Escape from New York on Netflix. John Carpenter always delivers. There should be more baseball bat fights in movies. Goals: - Review config for zsh history Done. - Golang study No. - PF notes No. Why is my `/etc/resolv.conf` suddenly getting deleted at reboot? Probably some KDE unbalanced the humors of NetworkManager. $ nmcli conn show br0 | grep 'ipv4.dns:' # nmcli conn modify br0 ipv4.dns Or, that's as simply as it's supposed to work. Ran into a couple of infuriating bugs, but after a couple of hours of fucking around I seem to have beaten NetworkManager into submission. Also, damn it, why is my cursor still KDE-themed? The Debian `kde-standard` is pretty sloppy about deinstalling its (enormous number of) dependencies. Removing the following packages, followed by an autoremove, seems to fix things: kde-baseapps-bin plasma-desktop plasma-workspace plasma-framework kde-runtime-data kactivities-bin kwalletmanager kdepim-runtime qt5-image-formats-plugins gnustep-common kpackagelauncherqml kpackagetool5 ksshaskpass docbook-xsl gdb-minimal konsole polkit-kde-agent-1 socat. Spent an alarming amount of the day screwing around with window managers. Added a bit to my i3 config. The only have two real gripes about i3: moving windows to a new layout is much more fiddly than it was in wmii, and I'd love to have cwm's label/search windows feature. Hmm. This could be the basis of a window label/search feature in i3: % xwininfo | grep 'Window id' xwininfo: Window id: 0x1a00006 "bava zsh bava ~" % i3-msg '[id="0x1a00006"] focus' Wait, do "marks" already do this? Roughly, yes. bindsym $mod+m exec i3-input -F 'mark --toggle %s' bindsym $mod+f exec i3-input -F '[con_mark="%s"] focus' Get a list of set marks: % i3-msg -t get_marks It's not as slick as cwm, but it works. I guess the next thing to think about is whether I can simplify my config. Breakfast: carrots, almonds, cheese, coffee Lunch: lasagna Dinner: a beer, pizza