Fri Sep 2 07:52:23 EDT 2016 Slept from around eleven to seven. With the windows open, I've slept very soundly the last couple of nights (except for the dude with the loud car waking me around six). Mostly sunny, and a high of seventy-five. Nice. Goals: Work: - Check on MS Office PO Done. Not yet approved. I asked Julie to mention it to Danny. And a few minutes after I asked Julie about it, Danny's PA approved it for him. Ordered. - Script to watch for taskprocessor queue full messages in the logs and restart Asterisk (until we can fix this for real) Done. #!/bin/sh log_date=$(grep 'task processor queue reached 500 scheduled tasks' /var/log/asterisk/full | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1 " " $2 }' | sed 's/^.\(.*\).$/\1/') log_epoch_date=$(date +'%s' -d"${log_date}") now_epoch_date=$(date +'%s') date_diff=$(expr "$now_epoch_date" - "$log_epoch_date") if [ "$date_diff" -lt 900 ] then echo 'Asterisk restarted!' | mail -s 'Asterisk task processor queue reached 500 scheduled tasks' root systemctl restart asterisk fi Always good to review from time to time: What's up with Shift-Insert in vim dropping instead of my clipboard contents? "off paste mode: :set nopaste" Hmm. I thought past normally got toggled to nopaste immediately after the paste. Man, the squidblacklist guys have an annoying habit of including domains tarting with a dot (e.g. "") in their lists, which Unbound doesn't like. Revised by list munging pipeline to have sed remove the dot: cat /tmp/dg-ads.acl /tmp/dg-malicious.acl /tmp/dg-porn.acl | sort | uniq \ | cat - /tmp/dns_whitelist /tmp/dns_whitelist | sort | uniq -u \ | sed 's/^\.//' \ | awk '{if(substr($1, 0, 1) != "#") print "local-zone: \""$1"\" redirect\nlocal-data: \""$1" A\""}' \ | sed '1 i\ Half hour walk at lunch. I'd be hard pressed to specify how the weather could be more perfect. Saw a turkey vulture, a seagull, and one of those black-ish flying crickets. Heard crickets and cicadas and maybe a blue jay. When referencing a variable, it is generally advisable to enclose its name in double quotes. This prevents reinterpretation of all special characters within the quoted string -- except $, ` (backquote), and \ (escape). Home: - Get back to working on static website generator Done. Last week at dad's, we were talking about the grandparents old house. I think Kate said she discovered that one of her acquaintances lives there now. I tried to pick the house out on Google Maps, but I'm not positive which one it was.,+Birmingham,+MI+48009/@42.5341083,-83.2065431,110m/ Breakfast: carrots, mixed greens, yogurt, coffee with half-and-half Lunch: mixed nuts Dinner: pizza