Tue May 24 09:30:46 EDT 2016 Slept from ten-something till around seven. Sunny. High of eight-four. Goals: Work: - Review invoices Done. - Talk to Dave about electrical outlet Done. Home: - Grocery shopping Done. Went shopping at lunch. Good, crisp apple for once; the last few have been underwhelming. - Can we really not specify multiple index files for OpenBSD httpd (i.e. index.html and index.php)? Looks like it. This and the lack of SNI are the two annoyanced I've found with httpd. - Point test.paulgorman.org to clyde Done. - Remember to take home groceries Done. http://paulgraham.com/startupideas.html Startup ideas. What itch do I have? A notification system. Or maybe just a way to bridge *nix local mailboxes to an external notification system. Bridge mbox to authenticated rss? Took out the trash, and walked up the Market Fresh to buy some Norm's Raggedy-Ass IPA. It's hot out.