Mon May 16 09:07:05 EDT 2016 Slept from ten-something to six-something. Sixty-five and sunny. Change of rain in the evening. Goals: Work: - Talk to CFO re LexisNexis Done. - Work on fixing SquidGuard Done. Squid is now working. SquidGuard not yet. - Look at email from EC2 instance No. - Remember to take home groceries Done. Hazel Park somehow managed to get their IP listed on the Mailspike RBL. Still not sure how; ports 25 and 587 should be blocked to everywhere but us as their smarthost. Home: - Grocery Done. Did some minor shopping at lunch. Took a short walk after work. Got rained on a little, but saw a rainbow. Mom had to put one of her cats down today. She was upset.