Sat Feb 6 08:56:20 EST 2016 Slept from around 1:45 AM to 8:45 AM. Woke up once briefly in the night. This morning, thinking, in mild sleepy alarm and confustion: "What's that weird bright light? What's going on?" The sun! Got up feeling more happy and energized than I remember feeling in months. Partly sunny and a high of forty-one today. One weird thing. sshguard had locked me out of the vps this morning. The same thing happened last night. I had to unblock my IP through the DO web console. Odd. I'm authenticating by key, so the blocks don't result from authentication failures. What criteria does sshguard use for danger? I don't think whitelisting by hostname will work, since my home hostname (dynamic dns) won't return correctly for reverse dns lookups. I may have figured it out. Blinky has an hourly job that connects to inky, but I hadn't yet accepted inky's host key on blinky. Sshguard probably was blinky connecting every hour and idling at authentication. We'll see if I don't get locked out again. Goals: - Get wp set up on vps Mostly done. WP is a little janked. - Double-check backup file list Done. Looks OK. - Take a last look around Dreamhost account Done. Terminated account. - Clean up apartment a little Vacuumed, washed dished, put away some clean laundry. Wow. I've been with Dreamhost for ten years.