Sat Oct 17 10:29:24 EDT 2015 Went to bed after midnight, slept well, and woke up around nine. First frost last night. High of forty-eight today. There was even a 20% chance of snow this morning. Jeez. D&D may happen next weekend. Waiting to hear back on Karina and Eric's availability. I promised mom that I'd help take her cats to the vet today. Need to remember to leave home by about 11:15. Goals: - Be on time to help mom with cats Done. - Work on 5e encounter/monster design Nope. I helped mom take her cats to the vet. I took a short walk while the vet examined them. Afterward, mom insisted on taking me to Nordstrom to buy a new fall jacket. This was both generous, and slightly controlling (she didn't like the color of my old jacket). Thanks, mom. I did some grocery shopping at Target on the way home. Sleet fell for a few minutes. Checked the mail, but nothing yet from Scion/Toyota. I should clean out my old car this afternoon or tomorrow. Actually, the jacket is really nice.