Sun Aug 9 06:51:18 EDT 2015 Had a lazy day yesterday, and went to bed early. Slept well. Woke up early this morning. Chance of thunderstorms with a high near eighty. I should do laundry today, and maybe grocery shopping. I looked into vim saving vim sessions/views which is somewhat useful, but at the moment I'm primarily concerned with saving registers and command history. Those don't get saved with session files; they live in .viminfo. However, it is possible to save and load alternate viminfo files, although this posses some challenges; see :h viminfo-read-write. It's possible and maybe practical to edit a viminfo file by hand, but it includes a lot of stuff I'm not interested in, and is fairly volitile; I don't think I'd want to include it under version control. Oh shit. This is pretty close to what I wanted: Local setup: Put all commands that you need for editing a specific directory only into a vimrc file and place it in that directory under the name ".vimrc" ("_vimrc" for MS-DOS and Win32). NOTE: To make Vim look for these special files you have to turn on the option 'exrc'. See |trojan-horse| too Did some grocery shopping and a load of laundry. Watched John Dies at the End, which was really good.