Tue Apr 7 07:48:57 EDT 2015 Slept pretty well, although it's been taking me a while to fall asleep. Goals: Work: - Make a list of steps and unanswered questions for email upgrade Done. - Continue to silence email alert noise from *nix boxes Done. No doubt there will be a little more to do tomorrow, but I made substantial progress today. - Look at the possibility of exporting a network volume as both smb and nfs Not today. - Figure out how to attach a second disk (lvm volume) to a kvm guest Done. https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/5/html/Virtualization/sect-Virtualization-Virtualized_block_devices-Adding_storage_devices_to_guests.html 1. Create new storage 2. Dump vm guest config, like `# virsh dumpxml Guest1 > ~/Guest1.xml` 3. Open the dumped XML file, find the section, copy section, and modify the copy to point to the new storage 4. Restart the vm guest with the new XML file - The xml files are stored in `/etc/libvirt/qemu/`. - However, we can test an xml file like `# virsh create ./Guest1.xml`. Home: - Do taxes? sigh. Surprisingly, done. I also found time to do a little grocery shopping. Not bad.