Thu Jan 29 07:55:25 EST 2015 Goals: Work: - Install virtio drivers on app server vm Done. - Install SSL cert on firefly Done. And redirecting all http traffic to https. - Karina's birthday lunch Done. Thai food. - Decide how to generate progress charts/graphics gnuplot. I was going to do pie charts, which turns out to be strangely difficult. However, I decide line graphs would be better anyhow. #!/usr/bin/gnuplot --persist set autoscale unset label name = 'vpn-server' set title "VPN Server Project Progress" set terminal png nocrop font small size 640,480 set output sprintf("%s.png", name) set style fill solid set style line 1 lt rgb "green" lw 3 pt 6 set style data lines set xrange [0:52] set xlabel "Week" set yrange [0:100] set ylabel "Percent Complete" plot sprintf("%s.dat", name) with filledcurve x1 notitle ls 1 When is Jason coming to the HZ backup build server? Home: - Start typesetting D&D session log No, I decided to make a few more notes on C instead. - Hook up new keyboard Done. Questions: - Is there a simple way to increase the tension of windshield wipers. Even after changing the blades, mine are doing an apathetic job this winter. It's possible the wiper arms are worn out. These look relatively easy to replace. $55 However, it could also be the motor, which looks like a pain in the ass to replace.