README for dicebot.rb ===================== dicebot.rb is a Jabber (XMPP) chat bot, which rolls virtual dice for roleplaying games such as Dungeons & Dragons. The latest version of dicebot.rb is available from REQUIREMENTS, INSTALLATION ========================== 1. Ruby If you're running Linux or Mac OS X, there's a very good chance that the Ruby scripting language is already installed. You can check by opening a command prompt/terminal, and typing: ruby --version If it comes back with a response like "ruby 1.8.7 (2010-06-23 patchlevel 299)" then you already have Ruby installed. If it comes back with a response like "command not found" then you need to get Ruby from 2. Ruby Gems To test if you already have Gems installed, open a command prompt/terminal and type: gem --version If it comes back with something like "1.3.7" then you're good. Otherwise, get Gems from, and install it. 3. xmpp4r dicebot.rb uses the library xmpp4r. The easiest way to install it is using Gem: sudo gem install xmpp4r 4. The dicebot.rb script Put the dicebot.rb script in a convenient location, such as /home/me/scripts/dicebot.rb. 5. A Jabber/XMPP account for the dicebot.rb script The dicebot will need its own instant messaging account. Create a new account for it, like "". USE OF DICEBOT.RB ================= 1. Use your instant messaging client to start a multi-user chat on a Jabber chat server. How to do this varies slightly depending on your IM client. Either your client will get a room number for you, or you can choose it. If you're using the server, the room numbers look something like "private-chat-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000123". 2. Invite the dicebot user account to your chat. The script may not have permission to connect until you invite it. 3. Run the dicebot. Open a command propmt/terminal, and type: ruby /home/me/scripts/dicebot.rb botUserName botPassword (Obviously, it's not super-secure to type the password on the command-line, so don't use the same password you use for your banking.) 4. The bot should then join your chat. In chat, send the bot commands like: :roll 3d6+1 or :roll help or :roll d8 poison damage 5. When you're done with the bot, just kill the process (usually CTRL-C in the command prompt/terminal). LICENSE AND DISCLAIMERS ======================= This script is copyright Paul Gorman 2010, and licensed under the GPL. See for details. Dungeons & Dragons is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast. dicebot.rb is not associated with Wizards of the Coast.