Sat Aug 22 06:00:02 EDT 2020 ======================================== Slept from eleven to three. I'll need a nap. Partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 80s. West winds up to 10 mph. > Members present: Tim Miley, Jake Kalley, Steven Sedore, Nick Reid, Matt Mace, Lara Conapinski, Darron Christian, Scott Riblet, and Chris Meshkin. Ha. > Members present: Jake Wallie, Kurt Grossman, Scott Riblet, Nick Reid, Chris Meshkin, Tim Miley. Kallie, not Wallie! > 1. Members at meeting: steve, tim, chris, jake, darron, lara, nick, darren, ian, kim, beth, skeeter. > 5. Tim put Citadel on wakko. Interested in the club putting out a BBS. Contact Tim if interested in putting this together. How am I not in any of these meetings? Might have been in class. > 10. Lots of people played the mud. > If anyone knows where Jake Kallie's 3COM network card is, he would like it back. Last seen in Dot? Took a three-hour nap in the afternoon. Talked to Jay on Jitsi for four hours. Requested an account on The `gnutls-cli` utility is handy. ``` $ echo gemini://"\r\n" | gnutls-cli --insecure -p 1965 - ``` Servings: grains 7/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 4/2, meat 0/3, nuts 1/0.5 Breakfast: macaroni and cheese Brunch: chips Afternoon snack: cucumber, banana, two beers Dinner: nachos