Mon Dec 30 06:00:01 EST 2019 ======================================== Slept from midnight to seven-thirty. Windy. Mostly cloudy with a 50 percent chance of rain. Highs in the upper 40s. Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph decreasing to 15 to 25 mph in the afternoon. Back to work on Thursday. Cleaned bathroom and kitchen counters, Drain-O'd tub. > USB Battery Pack for Raspberry Pi - 10000mAh - 2 x 5V outputs > How long it will last depends a bit on what you have connected. We ran a 'headless' pi (no keyboard, mouse, display attached) with a mini WiFi adapter plugged into the USB port and pinged it once a second to keep the network connection from going to sleep and it lasted 15 hours. The Ultimate French Press Technique 1. Weigh water and coffee (ground medium not course) 2. Pour boiling water over coffee 3. Let sit for four minutes _without agitating_ 4. Stir gently a couple times to encourage grounds to sink. If desired, scoop off any remaining floating bits and foam. 5. Wait 4–5 minutes for grounds to completely settle before pouring. Do NOT depress plunger, just let it rest at the top of the coffee to act as a passive strainer. Tried the no-press French press technique. Pretty good, with less sludge in the pour than usual. Coffee Brewing Ratios Explained James Hoffmann: > There is no "correct" ratio; there is only preference. > I'll give a good starting point: I think 60 g per liter is a pretty good, one-size-fits-all, most people are happy… > I might recommend using a different ratio for different brewing methods. > Use a little bit more coffee for an infusion method [French press] than a percolation method [pour-over] [because the grounds absorb and hold more water with infusion]. Water: 0.5 L = 500 g = 17.59752 oz 0.34 L = 340 g = 12 oz Coffee to water ratio recommendations are often 1:18 (weaker) or 1:15 (stronger). I've been doing closer to 1:13 (26 g coffee : 340 g water) for drip with half-and-half. Maybe do 30 g coffee for 340 g water in a French press? Watched some anime. Servings: grains 8/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 3/2, meat 5/3, nuts 0/0.5 Brunch: left-over pizza, coffee Afternoon snack: cucumber, orange, apple Dinner: sub, fries 129/80 -21