Mon 23 Sep 2019 09:26:14 AM EDT Slept from midnight to seven. Woke briefly around four. High of seventy-four and partly sunny today. Work: - Approve Scott's PTO Done. - Prop mgnt software questions Some. Fifteen-minute walk after after I got back from Meijer. Breezy and not too warm. Heard Crickets. Saw a dragonfly and a little white butterfly. Home: - Buy coffee, half-and-half, yogurt for work Done. On the one hand, I'm feeling sort of blue today. On the other hand, I'm getting stuff done despite that, without it even feeling like a grind. Been doing one or two of the problems most days, for a few days. Surprised to find my pattern recognition has already improved noticeably. Solving the 14??-rated problems quickly. Watched a couple episodes from season four of Homeland. Played an hour of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Servings: grains 4/6, fruit 3/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 3/2, meat 3/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: egg, tomato, orange Brunch: cucumber, banana, coffee Lunch: yogurt, celery, apple Afternoon snack: coffee Dinner: Philly cheesesteak 113/66