Fri 13 Sep 2019 09:22:08 AM EDT Slept from eleven-thirty to six-thirty. High of eighty-two today, with thunderstorms later. Friday the thirteenth and a full moon and the fiftieth anniversary of Scooby Doo! Work: - Generate SSH key for NVRs Done. - Finish monitoring for NVRs Done. - DKIM No. Ten-minute walk at lunch. Hot. Sound of crickets and cicadas. Saw four monarch butterflies. Started listening to The Monster of Florence as an Audible book. Promising. Same guy who write Lost City of the Monkey God. Home: - Buy gas Done. - Go stuff? Done. > The official Vim extension for VS Code is pretty great. This extension gives you all of the usual Vim navigation and editing powers. It supports most commands that alter the buffer (e.g. :s/emacs/vim/g), and some others as well (e.g. :vsplit to open another vertical pane). And, it emulates a few key plugins by default, like vim.surround and vim-commentary. I found some cool new stuff, too. For example, hitting gd in normal mode will take you to the definition of whatever symbol is under the cursor. Similarly, gh will invoke the hover state to reveal type info and linter errors. Ctrl-Alt-minus goes back ("workbench.action.navigateBack"). Vacuumed, wiped down kitchen and bathroom counters. As much as I like Go, I've never been comfortable doing pure Go web apps (rather than Go web API backends). Decided to read Go Web Programming, and make a few notes. > For those suffering from this, a workaround is to :set nopaste on InsertLeave to ensure that nopaste is always set: > > au InsertLeave * set nopaste Pink and blue sunset. Servings: grains 4/6, fruit 1/4, vegetables 2/4, dairy 0/2, meat 3/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: toast, two eggs Brunch: tomato, banana, coffee Lunch: Thai catfish Afternoon snack: coffee Dinner: ice cream 120/72