Fri Jun 14 09:23:31 EDT 2019 Slept from eleven to six-thirty. Never stirred in the night. Woke before my alarm, feeling rested. High of seventy-five and mostly sunny today. Saw three deer grazing in a yard along Lahser on my way to work. Work: - Check mount for Lori's projector Done. - Order security hex keys Done. - Disable Loretta's alarm code Done. - Update staff directory Done. Found our elderly receptionist, Sherri, sprawled on the sidewalk near the front doors as I arrived at work this morning. She feel. (This incident prompted the CFO to tell me that after Sherri's hip surgery, Mr. Hartman told her she couldn't bring a cane to work.) It's Loretta's last day — retirement. She insists we not acknowledge it at all. No party. Twenty-five-minute walk at lunch. Nice weather. > UC Irvine did a study. The more the interruption distracts you (longer, off-topic) the longer it takes for you to get back into your groove. The average time was 23 minutes of lost productivity. Home: - Remember to charge phone Done. Amusing origin of He-Man's Battle Cat: Apparently from the Toys That Made Us on Netflix. Vacuumed. Watched anime. Servings: grains 7/6, fruit 3/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 7/2, meat 4/3, nuts 0/0.5 Brunch: grapefruit, banana, carrots, tomato, migas, coffee Lunch: yogurt, banana Afternoon snack: coffee, carrots Dinner: pizza 87/58