Mon Apr 1 09:52:54 EDT 2019 Slept from ten-thirty to seven. Woke briefly around two. High of forty-four and sunny today. Work: - Call Alltronics about security video equipment Done. - Check high-value PO's Done. - Unbox/inventory the newly-delivered video gear Done. - Work on Mizzen Done. - Clear sill for window replacement Done. - Buy coffee Done. Scott's back from his kidney stone episode. ✓ Switch back to i3 ✓ Set up Debian backports Set up cron jobs, esp. backup Twenty-five-minute walk at lunch. The last of yesterday's snow melted. Home: - Golang image sampling Done. Twenty-minute walk after work. Saw a Canada goose, a bright red cardinal, a trio of morning doves, and at least nine turkey vultures. Heard a red-winged blackbird. Amusing typo: "turnkey" vulture. Watched a little anime ``` $ convert image.jpg -colorspace hsb -resize 1x1 txt:- # ImageMagick pixel enumeration: 1,1,255,hsb 0,0: ( 55, 33,197) #3721C5 hsb(21.413%,12.9335%,77.1542%) ``` …where "77.1542%" is the image brightness. I'm not sure how efficient it is to resize to 1×1 pixels, but it's amusing. ssh:// Servings: grains 5/6, fruit 4/4, vegetables 5/4, dairy 4/2, meat 5/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: migas, cucumber, carrots, mandarin, banana, coffee Lunch: apple, carrots, tomato, yogurt Afternoon snack: grapefruit, coffee Dinner: beef tacos 111/79