Tue 26 Mar 2019 09:38:35 AM EDT Slept from nine-thirty to seven. Woke around one-thirty, and couldn't fall back to sleep quickly. High of forty-four today and sunny. Work: - Finish initial Mizzen install Done. - Fix Grub on my workstation Not really. - Close Sage ticket. Done. - Fix unit address at HS Done. - Change backup media Done. Scott took today off. Bit of a rough morning. GRUB crapped out on my workstation, reboot failed, emergency reinstall on a fresh disk, etc. Could have repaired it, I guess, but decided it might be better to run Stable on my work machine than Testing. Everything's backed up anyhow (and I just mounted by old partitions anyways). Annoying, but at least this was a slow day. With Guix as an auxiliary package manager, the old package versions on Debian Stable won't hurt too much(?). No, screw Guix until they significantly simplify installation. The NixOS install is _much_ simpler (even if you don't pipe the curl'd install script to `sh`). Twenty-minute walk at lunch. Another cool and sunny day. Very plump buds on may of the trees. How is Gnome3 supposed to work? With more that half-a-dozen windows, managing your workflow becomes cumbersome. Really — what do people do?? Managing windows is the _most basic_ thing a window manager is supposed to do. Either Gnome fails at it hard, or their workflow is incompatible with my task-grouped workflow. But I can't even imagine how I might adapt my workflow to Gnome, and no one seems to talk about it. Am I crazy? Maybe it could work if the user is _extremely_ disciplines about keeping _only one_ task per workspace, and alt-tabbing _only_ in the current workspace (Alternatetab extension). Even then, it would sure be helpful to be able to label workspaces. Home: - Grocery (stuff for lunch) Done. - Bed by nine Fifteen-minute walk after work. Saw a couple Cananda geese, a pair of morning doves, robins, and heard a red-winged blackbird. Servings: grains 3/6, fruit 2/4, vegetables 4/4, dairy 0/2, meat 4/3, nuts 0/0.5 Breakfast: banana, carrots, two eggs, cucumber, spinach, mandarin, coffee Lunch: doughnut Afternoon snack: tomato, coffee Dinner: gyro 130/72